Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Punchline Comedy Gig

So on Saturday night I got to put another big gig under my belt, having shared the stage with some of SA's best comediennes !
Marc Lottering is a superstar and an absolute gentleman. None of that Prima Donna nonsense I've had the displeasure of seeing in other big names. He walked in backstage and greeted each of us as though he'd known us for years. I have mad respect for Marc :)
No wonder that he lights up the stage locally and internationally. He makes comedy look effortless. I spent a week working on a 5 minute set, and Marc Lottering tell's me backstage "I'm not sure what I'm going to do tonight. Maybe I'll do some old stuff." Wow!! That's a natural right there! 5 minutes before he goes on and he's got so much material in his head, he can't decide what to do!
Class! Pure class!

David Kibuuka has always been one of my favourite comics, simply because he keeps his material fresh and relative. So there I was backstage with about 15 minutes to spare before I went on, and David starts chatting to me about how he started off in comedy and what he learnt along the way. Just 10 minutes with this guy and I found myself invigorated and inspired to go out there and kill it! What an absolute gem of a human being!
"Always introduce yourself and tell the audience your name, so that they make the connection and feel like they know you. That way, they will want you to be funny and succeed."What a guy!
Plus you know David is the real deal when everyone is running around like a headless chicken trying to get hold of Marc Lottering, and Mr Kibuuka calmly whips out his phone and calls Marc on his mobile!

This was the first time I had met Donovan Goliath and immediately I knew that it wouldn't be the last.
As MC's go, this guy has got it down to a fine art. It takes a special kind of talent to have the audience in stitches throughout an entire evening, and still go backstage between sets and keep the line-up of acts to follow calm and motivated. I can't count how many times he came up to me with words of encouragement and making sure we were in our 'funny place'.
Donovan Goliath, I salute you!

And then there was Vittoria Leonardi :)
He came on immediately after my set, but I made a point of racing from backstage to get myself a seat amongst the audience just so that I could watch his set. I'd always heard how funny this man is, but had never had the pleasure of watching him live. Saturday night I killed that demon and realized why he is so loved by audiences. He came out and did this crazy head-swing with his locks flying around like a weaved ANC MP caught in a tsunami!
The crowd went ape-shit!
That was before he even said a word!
Backstage he was just as funny. He has this way of saying the craziest shit and making you believe it's absolutely true.
Mad respect for you Mr Leonardi :)

Well folks, after having had an amazing time on stage and off stage with these awesome people in the industry, dare I say that I'm tempted to keep doing comedy until some day someone say's "I shared a stage with Kaloo!"

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