Friday, April 15, 2011

Dear Chinese Advertisers

funny facebook fails - Weird. Period.

Seriously guys, WTF?!
Do you even look at the products you make before sending them out to market? I mean really look at the products? What in heavens name were you thinking when you designed this packaging? Was there like really nobody in that meeting that sat up and thought "Hey wait, why is there a burst geyser of blood shooting from that poor girls vajayjay?"

Here's an even more scary thought.
Some dodgy Chinese businessman looked at this and thought "Let's target it at kids, shall we?"

Here's a tip China : If you're planning on taking over the world, please outsource the marketing and advertising to someone else. Anyone else. Heck sign Sarah Palin if you have to, but please don't think you can do it yourself.

Here endeth the rant.


  1. I've been following your blog and reading for quite some time now, just never got round to commenting.

    LOL @ the picture. It's rather disturbing tbh. Have you seen some of the signs China put up during their olympics? I'll try and put some up after exams.

    Take care, hope you're having a lovely weekend.

  2. WTF. So what was in the box - candy..? I’m too scared to think!

  3. Thanx Nas. Glad you enjoy the blog.

    @Wij : Dude I have no idea! My guess would be candy. But the entire idea and packaging is just wrong, Period! *excuse the pun*
