Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Note Of Thanks

I never really got the opportunity to give full and proper thanks to an awesome guy who did something totally amazing and selfless for me, someone he's never met before!

I made a humble request that I knew would require time and dedication, and without flinching he stood up to be counted and delivered more than he promised.

To the designer of this new blog, Irfaan Imamdin Sir, I say a heartfelt Thank You and salute your creative genius.

My blog is amazing and I brag about it to all who lend me an ear, every chance I get.



  1. Nice blog boet. And Yes, it looks tres amazing. Big ups to Imamdin, a creative genius at heart.

  2. You guys do realise that my urge to tinker and potter around is inevitable, and i'm going to have to get him to do housecleaning every so often.
    Watch this space!

  3. :)

    Sham introduced me to the world of Izzard, Azra to the idea of a genuine self, Kaloo to the proof that you can pursue what you love and flourish.

    What goes around, comes around

  4. true story.

    You gotta WANNA be a beekeeper! You got to keep em on they dont gettawaaay :P

    Free hugs all round!
